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Table of contents

  1. About CS 276
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Course Staff
  4. How To Get Started

About CS 276

Cryptography enables encrypted communication, digital signatures, and verifiable computation, among other applications. In abstract terms, cryptography is the science of designing algorithms that enable secure communication and computation in an untrusted environment. Over the last four decades, cryptography has transformed from an ad hoc collection of mysterious tricks into a rigorous science based on complexity theory. Modern cryptography emphasizes precise mathematical definitions of security, and proofs of security that reduce to well-studied computational hardness assumptions.

In this course, students will study some foundational topics in cryptography and do original research in the field.


This course is designed for graduate students with basic familiary with cryptographic or sufficient mathematical maturity to catup with the material in class.

Students without sufficient background should consider taking the Undergraduate Cryptogrphy Class CS 171.

Course Staff

How To Get Started

  • Join the course on Gradescope using entry code 2BKDD8. Gradescope is where you will submit your assignments and view your grades.
  • Join the Ed Discussion forum with this join link. You will need a email address to join. Ed is where you can post and answer questions about the course.
  • Sign up to scribe two lectures here.
  • If you need DSP accommodations, please have your accommodation letters sent to the instructors as soon as possible. Also, please email with any logistical questions.